Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had such a wonderful week with family. I just love Thanksgiving. We spent time with Micah's family at Circle B and then my parents came and visited for the weekend. A sweet surprise. They brought my 2 nephews with them. Payton & Presley had so much fun getting to finish out their weekend with more cousin time. Bedtime was a little emotional tonight. I had to explain when we will be all together again for the Holidays.
We put our tree up & Micah got all the lights outside done. It really is starting to feel like the Christmas Countdown! Yeah! The girls are so excited for Santa and can't wait to give him their wish lists. So FUN! It's all so magical this year.
Thanks Dad for painting Mallory's room. We can't wait to get the nursery finished and ready for another sweet baby girl.