Monday, March 7, 2011

HaPpY BirThDaY PrEsLEy!

I don't even know where to begin. Our little Presley Susanne is 2. Over night it seems. Presley is such our little spit fire, but so precious and cuddly. She talks non-stop and always wants to be right in the middle of everything. She will be occupied and the minute she hears the washer starting she runs to the laundry room and pushes her stool right up to the washer. She loves to watch everything I do. If I am cooking she wants to help. She loves to dress up, pull out all of our shoes and wear sunglasses. I can't forget about carrying her purse and pushing her stroller all at the same time. I am breathless. I can't tell you how many times I hear, " I do it Mommy." She truly keeps me going. I love this sweet child more than anything in the world.
What an amazing bundle of joy we have. We are so blessed with two wonderful little girls. I thank God everyday for these little miracles.
Happy Birthday Presley!