Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mr. Sun, Please shine down on ME!

We have been iced in for 3 days. It snowed over night Monday night and has just stayed yucky ice. We haven't even made it to 20 degrees this week yet. Maybe Friday? We also might get some fun snow Friday that we can actually play in. Yeah! The girls have enjoyed staying in PJ's and being lazy. So, have I! We have been playing lots of games, dressing lots of Barbies, playing play doh & coloring and cutting all kinds of great art work. It is pretty yucky and cold outside, but the family time this week has been nice and much needed! I also have been able to get laundry caught up and everything cleaned up. I was getting behind with some traveling we had been doing. Here a few pictures of the girls...hopefully we have snowman pictures to come soon!!!!!