Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Another super fun weekend to remember. I absolutely love that my girls get to spend time with family. We went to Cirle B Thursday afternoon, just beautiful weather. Praise God! The girls rode the ranger with Big Daddy & Daddy, Nana helped out with Mallory while we all painted the gate and I took Payton & Presley on a little wild flower adventure. After dark the kids played outside with glow sticks until about 9. They just loved it. We went to Caldwell Saturday for Easter with my Dad's family. Another great day. Tons of eggs and cousin fun. Such wonderful memories were made. Today after church and another huge egg hunt we all crashed. Presley and I napped for about 2 hours and I had to wake Mallory and Payton up after a 4 hour nap each. Well deserved! Nothing like Sunday afternoon naps.
The girls are amazing and doing great. Mallory was 7 weeks Saturday, so hard to believe. Payton & Presley are playing sister club and holding a spot for Mallory. They love life! Micah and I seem to always have a smile on our faces. Another weekend to remind ourselves how blessed we are.