Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Not much time for Blogging these days........

We are super excited to say that we have a baby on the way. I fortunately made it through the first trimester. I am due in February. It's hard to believe Payton will be 5 in January, I will have the baby in February and then Presley will be 3 March 1st. Time has just flown by.
I don't have pictures to post today, but we have had a great summer. Maybe a little too busy. We took the girls to Sea World, took swim lessons & can swim now, participated in VBS, spent time at Circle B Ranch with Micah's family, had cousins come and stay with us, the girls went to their cousin's too, friends came to visit & we went with my family to Arkansas. My dad rented a house boat for 5 days. OMG! So perfect & relaxing. We had the most amazing time.
Payton starts soccer in September and we had our first Dance class yesterday. Poor Presley just needs to be 3. She and I get some alone time though which is super special. Doesn't happen very much.
We are so blessed. School starts the last week of August. We are all ready!


Amanda said...

Congratulations! How exciting! Can't wait to hear if #3 is a boy or another girl!!! :)

Jessica said...

Congratulations! I am just now reading this, over a month late! Hope all is well with you all! Glad you had a great summer!